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The Most Commonly Used Musical Terms

Although musical terms are mostly used in more advanced playing situations that involve reading music such as playing in theatre pit, band or full orchestra I believe that at least the most common musical terms should be a requirement at the beginning of any drumming journey and so I have created a free report that includes the most commonly used musical terms that apply mostly to rhythm and dynamic playing with the drummer in mind although this isn’t totally exclusive.

These terms are usually represented in their Italian form but French and German terms are also but not so quite often. 

I originally intended to write a long post but then decide that I would create a freely downloadable report and a short blog post intended as an introduction to the report itself. 

Each of the musical terms I included in the book is followed by a short description for the most commonly used terms or expressions that you may come across as you develop in the world of drumming and as a musician.

I have highlighted some terms in green that are very common and so the drummer should fully understand their meaning even though not all are particularly relevant for the drummer and his ability to play and so these are the more general terms used most often.

Register at to download the report.

You will find it on the Accounts page in the left sidebar under Downloadable PDFs, titled Musical Glossary. I hope you find it helpful in your studies.


Teacher 12.03.2019 0 51396
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