
Welcome to the Drummerology Coaching Session Group, where rhythm meets guidance for aspiring drummers! Led by the renowned and experienced drum coach, this group is your dedicated space to elevate your drumming skills.

In the Drummerology Coaching Session Group, we believe that every drummer has a unique beat within them, waiting to be unleashed. The drum coach, with 40+ years of expertise and a passion for nurturing talent, brings a confident approach to coaching that goes beyond traditional lessons. It's not just about hitting the drums; it's about crafting your rhythm, understanding the nuances, and evolving into the drummer you aspire to be. The drumming is an effect of the drummer. Not the other way around. So the drummer should focus on himself as well as his drumming.

Our coaching sessions are designed to pin point any current or possible future issues that may occur due yto your current playing technique. The drum coach incorporates the principles of the Drummerology Coaching Course, a six-phase rhythm blueprint as a fundamental guide. Group members must have begun or completed the Drummerology Coaching Progra, before joining the group. 

Within the group you can connect with fellow drummerology participants, share your progress, and seek advice from the drum coach and your peers. Our inition one time coaching sessions help foster a supportive environment where questions are encouraged, and victories, no matter how small, are celebrated.


Whether you're just starting your drumming journey or looking to refine your technique, the Drummerology Coaching Session Group offers a confident and encouraging space for growth. The drum coach's commitment to your development extends beyond the group sessions – take advantage of additional resources, exclusive blog posts, to enhance your drumming skills.

To join the Drummerology Coaching Session Group, simply enroll in the Drummerology Coaching Course for Beginners. You must have the upgraded Drummerology Coaching version of the program. You can then apply to join this group

Join us in the Drummerology Coaching Session Group and let your rhythm reverberate with confidence!

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